Monthly Archive: July 2016

How to detect Balkan people in your Neighbourhood

There are travelers that visit a foreign country and leave at least one feature to be remembered for. Then, there are travelers who always give their best and make sure that the host will never, ever forget them. Yes, I’m talking about Balkan people! And here’s a list to help you detect us! If you want to detect this kind of exciting, fun and (sometimes excessively) spontaneous Balkan human, follow the topics of conversation within the group of your newly met friends in the bar. Where there is loud laughter and the word “politics,” there are the Balkan people.

Корабски водопад низ фотографии

Корабскиот Водопад, познат и како Пројфелски водопад се наоѓа во горниот тек на Длабока Река на планината Кораб.
Во зависност од сезоната и водостојот на изворот, водопадот варира во висина и интензитет. Во различни извори, може да се најдат различни податоци за висината на водопадот, а бројките варираат помеѓу 70 до 138 метри.

Macedonia land of carnivals

Traditionally, they are held during winter time, in the New Year’s period, but also in spring and they are characteristic for several regions in the country. Each carnival has its own feature, colorfulness and different symbolism. The cheerful and masked faces in Bitola region are called “babari”, in Ohrid region-“vasilicari”, in Skopje and Kavadarci regions-“dzamalari”.

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